About Cat


Cat Clark

How long have you been doing agility?
I’ve been in and out of competing but got involved in 2005. I joined a club with my family’s dog and never looked back!

What dogs do you have?
I currently have three dogs - two whippets called Pogo and Teapot who don’t do agility, and a working cocker spaniel called Toast who competes in grade 5.

What made you want to get involved with Forever Agility?
I saw Neil post about their plans at KCAIF 2018 - I wanted to support in whichever way I could but due to chronic illness I couldn’t do much physical work! I am good at colours and pictures though so I offered to design a logo, and then between us the ideas kept rolling.

What is your job outside of agility?
I am a Graphic & User Interface Designer. Which basically means I design apps and do branding for other companies.


Where abouts do you live (Town, County)?
I grew up in Durham have been living in a small town called St Ives in Cambridgeshire since 2013.

 Favourite thing about the agility community?
This!!!! Aside from the actual work Forever Agility do, I think it’s an amazing representation of how supportive the agility community is as a whole. I will never forget asking everyone at the end of the day to join us for the final lap of Forever Running 2018 - I didn’t expect a big turn out after everyone had spent all day running their dogs. Then I looked up the hill to the sea of people waiting for us to start it and it was so incredibly overwhelming!

After so many years within the community I’ve not actually competed for many of them. Life has gotten in the way for different reasons, but there is something that has always made me stick like glue! Even without a dog to run I would turn up at shows just to be there - I love it.